Mandolin Shrinivas - Rest in Music

Call it the bane of living away from what affects one’s heart a lot. 4 months late; just found out about the passing of Mandolin Shrinivas last September (thanks to this dedication by Amit Trivedi). My first recollection of hearing Shrinivas was during the Sunday 10AM Doordarshan’s Spirit of Unity Concerts from Madras Telugu Academy […]

Welcome 2015

Traits to being Strong

1. You avoid conflicts The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back. Holding grudges has never been a solution to problems, nor has anyone achieved anything out of it.Instead of spending your time hating people who hurt you, you […]

Investing - Financial and Personal

“Buy and hold good personal relationships throughout your life, and pay close attention to the choices you make. Diversify your relationship portfolio in terms of age, gender, education and income level. Don’t be afraid to drop your poor performers.” - Susan Pelton

100 Days of Modi Raj - Alternate View

Not that I am particularly a big fan of Modi or for that matter am I big on 100days of any one’s reign, politics or a high position in corporate world, Sainath provides view that we no longer hear or seem to care these days about the true state of the republic. Approximately 7M decline […]

40 Reasons for a man to dress well

Total strangers usually give you the benefit of the doubt. You’ll seem a bit mysterious while travelling. Even if your trip is painfully boring. You usually have a coat or umbrella to offer someone who has romantic potential. You look less like a weirdo when out, having a drink by yourself. As long as you’re […]

10 Principles of Good Design

Good design is innovative. Good design makes a product useful. Good design is aesthetic. Good design makes a product understandable. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is honest. Good design is long-lasting. Good design is thorough down to the last detail. Good design is environmentally-friendly. Good design is as little design as possible. Original Post. […]

Work like hell!

If other people are putting in 40-hour workweeks, and you’re putting in 100-hour workweeks, then, even if you’re doing the same thing, you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve. - Elon Musk

The rules to be a gentleman, always!

This for some reason resonates very well with me. Simple and true.

HA - Requirements, Needs, Wants, Goals!!

So what do I want to achieve with this project. Below is a clear articulation of everything that I want to accomplish. Hopefully this will act as the guide to make most of the decisions interms of investments and hacks. Just like any business proposal, I will divide the road to full home automation in […]

Home Automation (HA) - Begin!

The goal of this blog is to detail my journey of getting a home automation system in place to do the following: Mobile based control of almost everything that can be controlled in the house. Ability to grab and track metrics of everything that happens in the house. Ability to automate and make “smart” mundane […]

You will be missed Mr. Robin Williams

There’s three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer.”— Robin Williams, The Fisher King You have given a whole lot of us, 100’s of hrs of joy and an insight into how to look at life in a […]

Gameday 3: ManU (0) vs. Liverpool (1)

Wonderful start to the season continues. Fantastic game by Liverpool even tough we just about held on with a lucky early goal. Cautious optimism, yes but three 1-0 wins with each game having 60mins of defending and not crumbling shows something. In this game especially, we did not lose the formation in the second half where […]

Game Day 1: Stoke (0) v. Liverpool (1)

Another season, great expectations and a promise to return the club to the heights that they truly belong at. All optimism aside, its not going to be a easy season and we are not going to win the league and all we should look forward to is to play some good possession football, make no […]

Raghu Dixit: Addicted

Heard him live a few weeks back in SF and have been addicted to his songs ever since. Nothing fancy about the writing but the sound is uniquely Indian; something I have not heard in a while. Watch him sing some of the Kannada songs, makes you wish there were more of this kind of […]

California Deserts - RoadTrip Aug 2012

Travelling to the deserts of California in the summer for a foolish idea to start with. No two ways about it. It’s hot, 115-120 degrees hot, dry and most of all, very intimidating. But there are perks to it - you have the largest national park in the 48 states mostly to yourself, empty parking […]

Sensible Financial Advice

This has to be the most simple financial advice I have come across in a long while. By Scott Adams: Make a will Pay off your credit cards Get term life insurance if you have a family to support Fund your 401k to the maximum Fund your IRA to the maximum Buy a house if you want to live […]

Fernando, Ferrari!

The rain is the mighty leveler.

Summer of Liverpool

During some random surfing, found this BBC edit of the CL final from 2005. This was the year that I really became a true liverpool fan. Enjoy!

Red Bull F1 in a Texas Ranch

Now that’s a entrance to USA! HT: Martin Herget.

Capturing Life

George, a colleague of mine recently got the new GoPro camera and mount gear and he shot a couple of, what I thought, were really cool vids of life in general. Inspires you to just go out and make the mundane days a tad more exciting! A morning commute: A bike ride: Note to self: Take the Harley class!!  

Tribute to Girl in Yellow Boots

And another one. A fanboy who is far more creative! Hat Tip: Shripriya

League of two

Game day 1 in la liga and the score lines read a 6-0 win for Madrid and a 5-0 win for Barca. And there are 37 game days left. Begs to be asked, what’s the point of the spanish league anymore? Yes there is hope that one of these teams will slip up once or […]

Senna, The Movie.

I never knew Senna except for the fact that Michael Schumacher kept getting compared to him a lot. Bogus. There is no comparison. During my early introduction to Formula 1, I kept hearing about this legend who was a wizard on wet tracks and a genuinely good guy who jumped off his car mid-way during a race and helped a […]

Beautiful Games, Dirty Games, Worrying Games

So both of the football teams I support had 2 games so far and the feelings are mixed all around. Madrid played an amazing first game with an intensity that Barca could only break by 2 lucky breaks and flashes of genius. Second game Barca realized who they are and played amazing football only to go down […]

Engine Blow-up’s

Watching the Hungarian GP, was just thinking that there are no more of those amazing engine blow-up’s anymore due to amazing engine technology these days and then goes Nick Heidfeld’s car up in flames reminiscent of those old days… enjoying F1 again, wet weather, fire, MSC leading briefly!

On Le Tour and the Lord’s Test

“When he gets a four off a thick edge, you assume he meant to steer the ball between second and fourth slip” - Stephen Fay @ Independent on Sachin Tendulkar. I don’t watch a lot of cricket these days so in the world of self anointed patriots & pundits, I have no credentials to speak of Dravid’s […]

2010 Fav Movies

Finally done with the quota of December films so here it goes - my favorite films of 2010: Winter’s Bone Exit through a gift shop Soul Kitchen Kings Speech 127 hrs Still have to watch biutiful which I am told is Javier Bardem’s best performance to date. Am sure I missed a few foreign language […]

Looking ahead to 2010.

I have been reading Chris Guillebeau’s Art of Non-Conformity Blog for a while and he makes a very convincing case of annual reviews and planning ahead for the new year as a means to be aligned to what you want to achieve by the end of this year. Taking his advice so here it goes […]

Some random thoughts, while flying home –

Written at Heathrow on 07/14 at 3am PST. 1. If we were to be the 2nd largest race in the world, someone should have told our ancestors to imbibe common sense and basic courtesies. 2. All Indian wanna be mothers should be sent to a course where 3 things which start with Having Kids – […]

Tour de France ~ 2009!

Alrite baby! Lance is BAYK on the BIKE! Tour de France starts in < 6hrs and me, am ready to cheer. To all the naysayers - THERE IS NO WINNER OR LOSER IN A BIKE RACE. There are the mortals, and then are the cyclists! For the next 20days, a few hun100,000 fans will line […]

Dev.D - The Invisible Trip

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM Chanda: It’s good to talk when in Pain. Dev: What do you know about pain? The arrogance that is inclusive in all souls battered because of boredom and heightened state of desires manifests in this one form – PAIN. And the idea that pain is only caused to a […]

Aronofsky’s The Wrestler – Review

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM Passion, Pain and Loneliness – that’s the order that a man is driven when dedicating a life to an Endeavour. A passion grips you when you are young, when you are able and when you can conquer the world. Pain hits you when you realize it’s all but […]

Sasirekha Parinayam - Krishnavamsi is BACKK!

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM Ok, I am a hard-core fan of Krishnavamsi. Ever since the day he made Ninne Pelladutha in ‘96 (That’s the time when I turned 12 & started understanding films and another of the first amazing film’s I remember released - Prema Desam) I have remained an ardent fan. […]

Synecdoche, New York - Review

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM People are boring. You, are boring. You get up with a foul smell in your mouth. You do stuff when people are not watching. You are confused in public and act macho in private. You are always thinking how it would be to be the guy with the […]

My thanksgiving lunch today…

The craving for Andhra food has reached to a hitherto unexperienced extreme this week so I have rolled up my sleeves for this spread… 1) Aratikaya Kura 2) Chitapandu Pulihara 3) Chintapandu Rasam :=) Overdose of Tamrind I know but this is one ingredient that I have been missing and once I started cooking there […]

Dev.D - In time we shall call this art: Anurag’d

… Forget David Lynch!

Cutting Chai - A Friend’s Debut Film!

A dear friends debut film. He wrote and directed this. 15 days of sweat and blood for 3mins. In his words - “Its my first effort and there are loads of mistakes and improvements to be done. There are parts which are real tacky in between. But the entire point was to get to know […]

Slumdog Millionaire – Review

WRITTEN ORIGINALLY FOR AND POSTED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM To what lengths would you go to get an autograph from a superstar actor? What all would you be willing to jump to get close, very close – in you face close – to a star that has sold you dream after dream after dream all your life? […]

That’s it, That’s All!

Can it get better than this? Out on itunes apparently!

Dreams: Script writing on the trip!

WRITTEN ORIGINALLY FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM If you look back at cinema from its inception, one of the most workable justifications for playing out something totally outrageous and uncanny was to just make the protagonist DREAM. In the case of Indian Cinema, due to the lack of breath taking vista’s in the vicinity of […]

Ronnie, the world champion

Watched Snooker after ages today after some discussion on club. So much has changed… Hendry looks more and more tired, Williams has put on too much weight, but Ronnie O Sullivan seems to have taken off to be the best player around. Back to back world championships, top gear - not bad! And the highest […]

Mumbai Cutting - Review

WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSION FOR CINEMA A city that tells thousands of stories each day, a city that weaves the magic for a million people everyday and a city that creates as much as it destroys each day – it was logical that something would pay tribute to its various layers and shades […]

My Sis’s Poem’s

A few days back I received a mail from my sis regarding a side of hers that i had absolutely no clue of. Poetry! Let her know what you think… BTW, at 15 I had never heard of the word alchemist let alone knowing what it meant. Kids!

Aaron Sorkin: The Master Screen-Writer

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN FOR AND PUBLISHED AT PASSIONFORCINEMA.COM “A film is a one night stand but television is a love affair”. That’s Aaron Sorkin when quizzed why he chose to make a television series after having written brilliant movies like A Few Good Men and The American president. This coming from a man who wrote the […]

Love in Boston

And it was raining that day… On a clear thursday morning a boy with a black branded T-Shirt gets off a bus in Syracuse, NY. Happy Days playing loudly on his branded Apple IPOD, he sways to old times. Love is in the air and he is out there to claim it. The girl says […]

Evano Oruvan – An evening with Nishikant and Madhavan.

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN AND POSTED FOR PASSIONFORCINEMA. Driving as fast as I could in the treacherous NYC traffic last Thursday I was thinking as hard as I could as to what I would have done if I were to remake Dombivilli Fast, that too in a language of which I knew all but 2 words. How […]

My Debut movie trailer - Look closley!!!

Merritt Parkway

If you love driving, this is one road that will not disappoint you. 80 odd miles of pure bliss. Fast cars, thick canopy, cool breeze and exotic sceneries… BTW, I saw my first ever Ferrari on this road…

Loins of Punjab Presents: Exclusive

Originally Posted on Passion For Cinema. Wacky but rational. That’s what Loins of Punjab Presents (LOPP) is. Profanity mouthing bhangra turbunators, a conservative gujju beauty dreaming of Italian ramp success, kitty party revenge schemes, a geek finally having a beautiful girlfriend in the third dimension – the number of paradox’s in this film will leave […]